Geoscience research and innovation central to tackling major challenges facing society – iCRAG

iCRAG conference highlights geoscientists’ contributions to Irish economy, environment and society and showcases work of more than 150 researchers

Changes in the earth system are leading to a cascade of environmental impacts that are significantly affecting Irish and global society. It is crucial to research and understand these changes and to develop solutions to mitigate negative consequences and help power a sustainable future. That’s according to Professor Murray Hitzman, Director of iCRAG, the SFI Research Centre in Applied Geosciences, who was speaking at the iCRAG2022 conference in Dublin today (01.12.22).

“By creating solutions for a sustainable society, geoscientists make a real and tangible difference to the major challenges we are facing today. From developing new approaches to the sustainable discovery of raw materials needed for the energy transition to the protection of terrestrial, groundwater and marine environments, our researchers are making important contributions to the economy, environment and society, both in Ireland and beyond,” said Professor Hitzman.

The iCRAG2022 conference, held under the theme “Making a Difference”, brings together more than 220 members of the academic geoscience community as well as stakeholders from industry and government to deliver insights into how the geoscience research sector can play a leading role in addressing the Climate Action Plan and Ireland's commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In a keynote address delivered at the conference, Professor of Zoology at Trinity College Dublin, Professor Yvonne Buckley highlighted that the climate and biodiversity crises are closely interlinked, and that the collaboration between different disciplines, from broad earth sciences to engineering, social sciences and the humanities, bears significant opportunities for both climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation.

She said: “Climate action will help prevent or slow down further species loss and by restoring ecosystems is a nature-based solution to climate change. In addition, there are opportunities to align climate actions with better outcomes for biodiversity in Ireland including putting offshore wind capacity in less sensitive sites, rehabilitating natural areas surrounding onshore wind turbines, and limiting the development of solar photovoltaics to the built environment.”

Conference programme

Featuring 30 speakers from eight Irish research institutions, the conference is showcasing the work of iCRAG researchers in three consecutive sessions focused on geosciences and the economy, environment and society:

  • Economy: iCRAG2022’s economy session focused on the economic challenges that iCRAG research is addressing, including renewable energy, sustainable building infrastructure and the materials and metals needed for the green transition.

  • Environment: A session focused on the environment explored how geoscience research at iCRAG is improving our understanding of environmental change in the past, the present and the future, as well as iCRAG’s role in developing solutions that will help mitigate and monitor environmental change in the future. 

  • Society: Closing the conference, iCRAG2022’s society-focused session examined the relationship between people and planet, exploring the connection between geoscience and health, as well as science communication and public engagement.

Professor Hitzman said: “We are very excited to share the excellent work that is being carried out by more than 150 academics and researchers who are working on iCRAG’s research programme and to introduce our 33 new PhD projects. As a Science Foundation Ireland-funded research centre, working with more than 60 industry partners, we are addressing the urgent and intertwined climate and energy challenges to develop solutions for a sustainable society. The high quality of the research showcased here today is testament to the talent and commitment of iCRAG’s researchers.”

For more information about iCRAG2022, including the conference programme and full line-up of speakers, please visit:


Contact: Sebastian Enke, Tel: 087-3239496


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